Monday, January 17, 2011

Reality Bites

Ok, maybe it's not so bad. Taking a short vacation gave me a bit more energy and renewed my determination to regularly start cooking dinner for my family again. It might surprise people, but eating at home is really hard for us. It's not that I love restaurant food, but working 10-hour days while having two little kids and keeping house really drains me. So the prospect of planning meals, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning fills me with dread. But, today I am trying to be a little more prepared. I pre-marinated and froze all my meat for the week. I'm hoping I can keep this up!

The week's menu.  Clearly, pork chops were on sale at Costco.

This is the best part about being at home!  Grace is starting solid foods.  She likes blowing raspberries with her food more than ingesting it.  Very messy!

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