Friday, April 29, 2011

It's Friday, Friday...

...and we did what we usually do on errands! Exciting, right? Well, I still prefer to spend the day running errands with my roly poly over sitting in my grey, soul-sucking cubicle any day!

Grace, Sophie and I piled into the car and drove Sophie to school.

Sophie acting silly in front of her school.

Afterwards, Grace and I had to go buy some supplies for The Pied Paper.

Came home and had some "brunch".  Yogurt with a side of cell phone and lip gloss.  Yummm. forward eight hours where I was too lazy to take pictures: we did laundry, cleaned up the house a bit, napped, I finally ate lunch at 3pm, went to Whole Foods, picked up Sophie from school, went to Target, came home and made these omelets for dinner (they were so good), and the ended with a great finale to the busy day:

Strawberries with fresh whipped cream!!

I'm pooped.  Grace is in bed now and all I want to do is curl up with my nook and immerse myself into my Dennis Lehane book.  It's time for "me time"!

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